To the left is a slideshow of tweets I have produced for our active twitter account @dgnomega. While very much still a work-in-progress, our social media presence has increased dramatically in the past two years. We have 393 followers while only following 80 accounts. Additionally, the cross country tweet had 7,371 impressions on Twitter as of March 12.
We have found Twitter to be an excellent outlet for previewing stories, as well as running small polls to get news out. Our target audience is the students, and we have found social media to be the best way to reach them. We often include pictures as most kids have a visual bias. While the more avid readers of the newspaper are the more involved and politically active students, we try to engage other students by tweeting things that are seen as more simple or fun such as polls.
Nextdoor is a community app to post about opinions, lost cats, sell items, and now promote school newspapers. I felt that few parents were aware of our publication and that it would be interesting to them as well. We put out monthly posts (slide 1) to make sure they ask their student about the paper. In addition, we attract them to our online publication.
I have also tried to gain advertising from local businesses through this site.
Our website views and the number of comments have gone up exponentially since I started running a Nextdoor account.
In addition to serving as editor-in-chief, I am also the advertising editor for the Omega. We sell a regular ad to Top Driver for $90 an issue. This year, we sold our first online ad for a scholarship promotion for $50.
This responsibility entails communicating with companies, making sure they send their payment and sending them proof that we published the ads.