We lacked access to high quality broadcast equipment until this year. Our publication is print-focused and in the future we hope to put together more multimedia pieces, especially with stories that could be written every year.
This video shows a time lapse of students spelling 'ONE' on our football field for the yearbook cover. While I didn't edit or take the video, I directed our staff members on how to shoot the video and where to position themselves. After they edited it, I contacted the band director for an audio file of our school's fight song to use as a background track. I created and run the DGN Omega's Youtube channel. I uploaded the video, published it on the site and promoted it on Twitter.
Promotional Video

We made this video to promote our journalism class to students. I co-wrote the lyrics and blocked the different segments of the video. I really wanted to move the camera in the way that someone could see more of what we do. It was important to me that each section was represented so that people of all kinds would be interested in the video.
Personal Video
This year I created this video to attract students to our football games and our fan section, N-Zone. I did not shoot the video, but I edited and uploaded it. It was selected out of three videos as the best and was promoted through Twitter. I wish the video was lighter and the transitions were smoother.
Friday Morning Video Announcements
These videos air weekly on Fridays. I have volunteered to read them twice this year. Announcements are written beforehand by clubs/activities, so I do not put any of my own writing into these. In the future, we hope to work more with Cable 99 to promote more weekly news videos.