My sophomore year, I added sports scores and breaking news widgets to the website and updated them regularly. These small tasks made me one of the more proficient people in working the website.
This helped me earn my position as hybrid editor-in-chief, the person who makes sure our online and print publication work together, my junior year, where I worked on remodeling our home page.
This year, I remodeled yet again, adding more widgets such as most viewed stories since our page is now getting at least 10 times the number of views it did our senior year. I also track the analytics of our viewers and motivate writers by announcing stories with highest views. The increase in viewers allowed us to sell our first online ad this year.
To view our website, please visit dgnomega.org
To the right is an example of the remodeled opinion section widget I created my sophomore year. Next to it is our newer widget Trending Stories, which has decreased reader drop-off by 10-20%. Our theme is consistently purple, but I like to change the widget styles to avoid monotony.
More recently we have been working on getting coverage up faster, such as our newest walk out video. We have also covered our band being asked to play in London and large sports events in a breaking news fashion.

To the right is the recent online advertisement I sold and published. We found it necessary to be very clear that it was an ad so that people do not believe we are endorsing the program. Far right, is the poll I update according to the most talked about topic in our school. Once updated, I tweet out on our account for students to go vote, attracting readers to our website.
Additionally, I have an archives at the top of our page which houses pdf versions of every issue we have published my junior and senior year. After the issues are distributed, I upload them to issuu and embed them onto this page.


I consider the analytics for our website on a day to day basis. This helps me identify what social media promotions have been useful and how well we are retaining readers. Besides these basic numbers, I look at page flow, where readers travel after the page they landed on. I wish I could truly give a number of how many more viewers we have gained in the past 3 years, but I have not started looking at numbers until this year.
Looking to the Future
This website is truly the future of our publication. However, we need to update content more regularly. In the future, I would love to have the resources to have a big enough staff to put out a successful print issue and run a more impressive website. Our heart lies in tradition for now, and most of our focus is dedicated to our print publication.